[NorESM-users] Recent update for the NorESM diagnostic tool for BLOM
Yanchun He
Yanchun.He at nersc.no
Tue Feb 27 11:24:51 CET 2024
Dear colleagues,
I recently updated the diagnostic tool for the ocean model, to use derived potential temperature of WOA13 to compare consistently with the BLOM climatologies. Calculated potential temperature in deep and abyssal ocean is usually colder than in-situ temperature up to about 0.4°. So the change may have some impact of the bias (reduced or increased) of your model output compared to WOA13, if you are using the NorESM diagnostic tool.
There are also option so that you can use in-situ temperature to keep backward compatibility. Please see more detail at this GitHub pull request: https://github.com/NordicESMhub/noresmdiagnostics/pull/26
Please reply or comment directly in the GitHub pull request, if you have any requests of changes. Otherwise, I will merge the updates the next week (we can also further improve after that). It will work on both NIRD and Betzy.
All the best,
Yanchun He
forsker | Researcher
yh at nersc.no | 45487601
Stiftelsen Nansen Senter for Miljø og Fjernmåling
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Jahnebakken 3 | N-5007 Bergen | Norway
post at nersc.no | nersc.no<https://nersc.no> | +47 55 20 58 00
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