[NorESM-users] Survey on use of NorESM - Reporting to RCN

Mats Bentsen mben at norceresearch.no
Thu Feb 8 17:46:40 CET 2024

Dear colleagues,

We are in the process of reporting to the Research Council of Norway (RCN) on the INES project developing the infrastructure around the NorESM model. We are asking you to please allow a few minutes to give us feedback on your use of NorESM in 2023. Although we have a broad overview of activities we appreciate your feedback to help us better know the users and developers of NorESM and potential usage of the INES infrastructure. We have sent around very similar surveys annually since 2016 and thanks to the many respondents, this is very valuable usage statistics for the project.

For questions please contact Mats Bentsen <mben at norceresearch.no<mailto:mben at norceresearch.no>> or Jørund R. Strømsøe <jost at norceresearch.no<mailto:jost at norceresearch.no>>.

Use of information/anonymity: The information you provide will be used in this years RCN reporting on INES and possibly in the future to track changes. Your response will be anonymized.

Deadline for responding to the survey is 21th February 2024.

The link to the survey is: https://forms.office.com/e/TiVyVX4Uu0

All the best,

Mats Bentsen

Mats Bentsen
Forsker II
Senior Researcher

+47 56 10 75 06
+47 917 27 524

Jahnebakken 5, 5007 Bergen, Norway


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